Going To BlogHer ’10? Apply To The RetailMeNot Delegate Program!

RetailMeNotI wish I was able to travel to the BlogHer conference this year, but I just can’t make the time. However, if I was going, I would be applying to the RetailMeNot Delegate Program.

You know what RetailMeNot is, right? If you don’t, where have you been?!? It’s THE online resource for coupons and great deals. It’s also a wonderful company that supports women bloggers. Now they want to give 10 women bloggers full-conference passes for the BlogHer ’10 conference in New York City from August 6-7th.

If you want to take part in this exciting opportunity, make sure to apply by the April 18th deadline. They will announce the delegates on April 23rd.

Click HERE for the application form.

Good luck!
