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Foodie Friday: The New OC Whole Foods Preview and Gift Card Giveaway!

Whole Foods Market(A note to my readers – this is a review of an Orange County, CA based Whole Foods and the give-away included is only open to residents of Southern California, Hawaii, Arizona, and Nevada. My apologies in advance if you are not eligible for this give-away.)

I’ve been a fan of Whole Foods grocery stores for many years so, needless to say, I was thrilled when I was invited to preview the 300th Whole Foods store that just opened in Huntington Beach, CA. Two days before the grand opening on Wednesday, October 13th, I joined up with other bloggers and media outlets for a fun tour that showcased everything the new Whole Foods has to offer its new community.

In addition to many of the natural and organic items that you find in Whole Foods stores across the country, the new Huntington Beach location will offer unique regional products and cuisine from more than 50 local vendors, including Gringo Bandito Hot Sauce, Mary’s Free Range Organic Chickens, Honey Pacifica, Carlsbad Aquafarm, Yasutomi Farms, California Baby, and Xan Chocolates, to name a few. Many of the local vendors were at the preview and I happily sampled their goods. I was introduced to quite a few products I’ve never tried before and saw even more that I know and love. I’ve been a fan of Mary’s Chickens for years (my delicious Thanksgiving turkey last year was from Mary’s farm!), and it was a pleasure to actually meet her in person. It was also a treat to discover other local vendors. I especially loved the Xan chocolates, the sage and eucalyptus honey from Honey Pacifica, the shrimp from Carlsbad Aquafarm, and the hot sauce from Gringo Bandito (a Tapatio loyalist for years, I have to admit that this incredible hot sauce won me over). (continues…)

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The Winner of the Emergency Go-Bag is…

Marsha, comment #3! Congrats! Please send your mailing address to

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Ready NYC Giveaway. If you didn’t yet check out the Ready NYC website, make sure to stop by there to learn helpful tips about preparing for an emergency. Let’s hope none of us ever need to actually put these tips to use, but it’s best to be informed and prepared!

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Preparing for an Emergency: Ready NYC & Giveaway!

On September 2nd, New York City is kicking off National Preparedness Month.  If any city has learned how to be prepared for the unimaginable, it’s New York City. But you don’t have to live in New York to learn how to prepare your family and home in the event of an emergency or crisis situation.  As someone who has always lived in areas prone to earthquakes, I know how incredibly important it is to have an emergency kit and a strategy plan to help keep my family as safe as possible.  No matter where we live, no one is ever completely safe from the possibility of a disaster or emergency situation. From fires, earthquakes, and floods to terrorist attacks each and every one of us is vulnerable. And, as parents, we must be especially responsible in ensuring that our family is as safe as possible should the unthinkable happen. Believing that your family can just “wing it” in an emergency is irresponsible and potentially life-threatening.

The Ad Council and the New York Office of Emergency Management (OEM) have joined forces to create Ready NYC , an excellent website devoted to helping people prepare for any type of emergency. Check out the Ready NYC website and, if you’re on Facebook, make sure to “like”  the New York Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Facebook page.  Both of these sites are excellent resources and will help parents and families everywhere prepare for any type of emergency in three steps:

  1. Make a family emergency plan
  2. Make an emergency supply kit/Go Bag
  3. Be informed about different emergencies and how to plan your response to them (continues…)
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My Formerly Hot Life Giveaway Winners!

Congrats to comments # 13 and #20 – Summer of the Summer Breeze and Jennifer of The Psychobabble! Please e-mail me your mailing address at so the publisher can send out your books asap. Hope you enjoy the book!

Thank you to everyone who participated in My Formerly Hot Life giveaway contest!

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Book Review & Giveaway: My Formerly Hot Life

At first glance of the title, you may believe that My Formerly Hot Life: Dispatches From Just the Other Side of Young by Stephanie Dolgoff is a book packed with superficial notions about aging women, how age (and age alone) determines a “hot” life and that this book will only perpetuate the ageist and sexist societal ideologies towards women over the age of 40. I know that was my first impression without even reading the first page. However, as someone who should know better, I quickly learned something: don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Although you’re going to find the cliched quips about aging sagging skin, slowing metabolisms, newly developed crows feet, and the trial and errors of clothing a middle-aged body, My Formerly Hot Life goes beyond skimming the superficial surface of growing older and explores the other side of young in much more in-depth way. Dolgoff tackles the important issues like parenting, marriage, “having it all,” and healthy vs. unhealthy friendships with a good dose of wisdom and wit.

As we age and take on other lifestyles and responsibilities we say goodbye to our old identities, hence we become what Dolgoff coins as a “Formerlie” – formerly hot, formerly wild, formerly single and childless, etc… But while many of us may look back at our former selves with bittersweet nostalgia and wonder what happened to our youth, Dolgoff reminds us that the best part of life is still to come. With age comes more confidence, more wisdom, and a more carefree attitude about the ridiculous things in life, like trying to mold ourselves to the ideal standards of our youth-obsessed culture. “Formerlies” are neither young nor old. Their priorities and values have shifted from their younger days and they have a much better sense of who they are and what kind of life they want to lead. They have discarded unhealthy relationships and have a close circle of beloved family and friends that brighten their days with love and laughter. Formerlies are women like me and probably like you, women trying to navigate our way through lives that are filled with countless responsibilities and pressures and just doing the best we can. You can longingly look back at the hot life you once had all you want. But, if you look back too often, you’ll likely miss out on the fabulous life you lead today.

Give-away time!

I have been offered to give-away TWO copies of My Formerly Hot Life to my readers. To enter this give-away, please leave a comment below. For additional comment entries, subscribe to AYMB, follow AYMB on Twitter, tweet this post, or post this review and give-away on Facebook and/or your blog. Make sure to leave an additional comment for each item. I will select two winners via on Tuesday, August 17th.

Good luck!


Disclaimer: I was give a copy of My Formerly Hot Life and offered two copies for a give-away, courtesy of the publisher.

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