The Mama Resume

I think stay-at-home parents should be able to put this job down on their resume. It makes sense, doesn’t it? It’s the most challenging job in the world.

If you are someone who stays home with infants or toddlers, you are required to work 24/7, including holidays. You are always on-call. You get no breaks (unless you count nap-time, but that’s usually code for chore-time) and the pay is lousy. Sure, the boss might be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and will melt your heart with a smile, but he or she is probably also one of the most ungrateful people you’ve ever met. There is never a “please” or a ”thank you” for all your hard work.  Oh, and the boss has probably pissed, pooped, or vomited all over you…at least a hundred times.

You know, any other employee would have a legitimate lawsuit against their boss for doing such inhumane things. Stay-at-home-parents just get to do it all over again tomorrow.

Where’s a union when you need one?

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