Born to Run? Not Quite.

My new kicks!

My new kicks! Hey, I might not be a runner yet, but at least I can look the part.

I love to exercise, but running was never something I enjoyed. I would only run when necessary, like when I was chasing a ball or dribbling one.  The other night I had a dream that I ran a marathon. I’m not quite sure what prompted a running dream all of a sudden. I’m surrounded by runners, especially on Facebook, but that never seemed to motivate me to kick up my heels.

Chances are, watching the images of the recent NYC Marathon entered my subconscious, which then forced its way into my dream zone.  I awoke early the next morning with an urge to run. And I did. I ran one mile. Two days later I ran another mile, 2 minutes shorter than the previous run.  I even went to my local running store last night and bought a new pair of shoes. If I whip out the credit card, you know I mean business.

Baby steps. A mile here and a mile there. I’ll try and run every other day and see how it goes. My goal? I hope to run a 5K within 2 months. From there, who knows. What I do know is this. It’s not so much about losing weight or looking good (although those stubborn last 10 pounds from pregnancy would not be missed). It really is about my health. I have a 2 year old that is all-boy. He loves to run and chase things, especially me. And one thing is for sure…I refuse to have a 2 year old kick my ass.

Are you a runner and have any tips? Please share!

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