Preparing for an Emergency: Ready NYC & Giveaway!

On September 2nd, New York City is kicking off National Preparedness Month.  If any city has learned how to be prepared for the unimaginable, it’s New York City. But you don’t have to live in New York to learn how to prepare your family and home in the event of an emergency or crisis situation.  As someone who has always lived in areas prone to earthquakes, I know how incredibly important it is to have an emergency kit and a strategy plan to help keep my family as safe as possible.  No matter where we live, no one is ever completely safe from the possibility of a disaster or emergency situation. From fires, earthquakes, and floods to terrorist attacks each and every one of us is vulnerable. And, as parents, we must be especially responsible in ensuring that our family is as safe as possible should the unthinkable happen. Believing that your family can just “wing it” in an emergency is irresponsible and potentially life-threatening.

The Ad Council and the New York Office of Emergency Management (OEM) have joined forces to create Ready NYC , an excellent website devoted to helping people prepare for any type of emergency. Check out the Ready NYC website and, if you’re on Facebook, make sure to “like”  the New York Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Facebook page.  Both of these sites are excellent resources and will help parents and families everywhere prepare for any type of emergency in three steps:

  1. Make a family emergency plan
  2. Make an emergency supply kit/Go Bag
  3. Be informed about different emergencies and how to plan your response to them (continues…)
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