This Message Brought To You By Choice

I don’t care for professional football and I don’t enjoy commercials.

Yet I always love watching both on Superbowl Sunday.

Watching the Big Game is a tradition for most Americans and a recent survey pointed out that most people watch because of the commercials. Superbowl commercials are usually clever, fun, and entertaining. Talking babies, fighting parade balloons, frogs croaking out Buuud-Weiiiiiis-Eeeer. Those are the types of commercials I anticipate watching while kicking back a beer and munching on buffalo wings.  The last thing I want to interrupt the party mood of a good football game is the topic of abortion.

Where is that Doritos girl when you need her?

Thanks to CBS, college football superstar Tim Tebow and his mother Pam Tebow, the University of Florida, and Focus on the Family, the topic of abortion will be introduced at some point during the game. I can just see it now: families and friends gathered around the HD flatscreen laughing and having fun when, out of nowhere, comes the record-scratching moment when Tim and Pam Tebow come across the screen. We’re all going to go from enjoying a fun game with light-hearted commercials to talking about the most hotly-debated and divisive topic ever known to this country.

What is the purpose of their message? Most adults know where they stand on the topic of abortion, which leads me to believe that CBS and Focus on the Family is trying to reach out to a different audience. Our children. How do you talk to your young kids about abortion, let alone in the middle of a fun afternoon watching football? There is a time and place to air commercials of this nature and the most popular televised sporting event of the year enjoyed by families all over the country is not it.

There is no doubt that the topic of abortion should be introduced to your children at some point, especially once they hit the pre-teen years. But how and when you approach it should be on your terms, not by the terms and values of CBS and Focus on the Family.

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